2006 IDF(国际糖尿病联盟)中国行-丁香园专贴跟踪报道

2006-07-29 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:丁香园
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1、Assess cardiovascular risk at diagnosis and at least annually thereafter:
——current or previous cardiovascular disease (CVD)
——age and BMI (abdominal adiposity)
——conventional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors including smoking and serum lipids, and family history of premature CVD
——other features of the metabolic syndrome and renal damage (including low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, raised albumin excretion rate)
——atrial fi brillation (for stroke).
Do not use risk equations developed for non-diabetic populations. The UKPDS risk engine may be used for assessment and communication of risk.

2、Ensure optimal management through lifestyle measures (see Lifestyle management), and measures directed at good blood glucose and blood pressure control (see Glucose control, Blood pressure control).

3、Arrange smoking cessation advice in smokers contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption.

4、Provide aspirin 75-100 mg daily (unless aspirin intolerant or blood pressure uncontrolled) in people with evidence of CVD or at high risk.

5、Provide active management of the blood lipid profi le:
——a statin at standard dose for all >40 yr old (or all with declared CVD)
——a statin at standard dose for all >20 yr old with microalbuminuria or assessed as being at particularly high risk
——in addition to statin, fenofi brate where serum triglycerides are >2.3 mmol/l(>200 mg/dl), once LDL cholesterol is as optimally controlled as possible
——consideration of other lipid-lowering drugs (ezetimibe, sustained release nicotinic acid, concentrated omega 3 fatty acids) in those failing to reach lipidlowering targets or intolerant of conventional drugs.
Reassess at all routine clinical contacts to review achievement of lipid targets:
LDL cholesterol <2.5 mmol/l (<95 mg/dl), triglyceride <2.3 mmol/l(<200 mg/dl), and HDL cholesterol >1.0 mmol/l (>39 mg/dl).
——在LDL胆固醇得到尽可能的理想控制时,如果血清甘油三酯>2.3 mmol/l(>200 mg/dl),在他汀类药物之外加用贝特类药物
LDL cholesterol <2.5 mmol/l (<95 mg/dl), triglyceride <2.3 mmol/l(<200 mg/dl), and HDL cholesterol >1.0 mmol/l (>39 mg/dl).

6、Refer early for further investigation and consideration of revascularization those with problematic or symptomatic peripheral arterial disease, those with problems from coronary artery disease, and those with evidence of carotid disease.


1、Assessment will be as for Standard care, with lipid profi le measures if available.

2、Management will be as for Standard care, but using statins or fi brates only where these are available at reasonable cost from generics’ manufacturers, and in particular for those with known CVD. Statins may be used even if the serum lipid profi le cannot be measured.

3、Revascularization procedures will generally not be available, but where possible those limited by symptoms should be so referred.


NHANESⅢ 1988-1994


1、Measure blood pressure annually, and at every routine clinic visit if found to be above target levels (see below), or if on treatment:
——use a mercury sphygmomanometer or validated meter in good working order and an appropriately sized cuff (large or normal depending on arm size)
——measure after sitting for at least 5 min, with arm at heart level, using fi rst and fi fth phases of Korotkoff sounds
——record all values in a record card held by the person with diabetes
——use 24-hour ambulatory monitoring (ABPM) if ‘white coat’ hypertension suspected, but adjust targets down by 10/5 mmHg.
——应用24小时动态监护(ABPM)来判断是否存在‘白大褂’高血压,但是把目标值下调10/5 mmHg。

2、Consider secondary causes of raised blood pressure if there is evidence of renal disease, electrolyte disturbance or other features.

3、Aim to maintain blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg (for people with raised albumin excretion rate see Kidney damage).
Add further drugs if targets are not reached on maximal doses of current drugs, reviewing the preferences and beliefs of the individual concerned, and likely adherence problems as tablet numbers increase.
Accept that even 140/80 mmHg may not be achievable with 3 to 5 antihypertensive drugs in some people.
Revise individual targets upwards if there is signifi cant risk of postural hypotension and falls.
对于白蛋白排泄率增高的人群(见肾脏损害)目标是将患者的血压维持在130/80 mmHg以下。
要接受这样一种观点:在某些个体中可能应用3-5种降压药物都不能达到140/80 mmHg 的控制水平。

4、Initiate a trial of lifestyle modifi cation alone with appropriate education for 3 months (see Lifestyle management), aiming to reduce calorie intake, salt intake, alcohol intake, and inactivity.
开始时应用3个月时间的单独的生活方式调整配合适当的教育(见生活方式治疗节),目标为减少热卡、盐和酒精摄入,以及静 坐状态。

5、Initiate medication for lowering blood pressure in diabetes not complicated by raised albumin excretion rate, using any agent except for α-adrenergic blockers, with consideration of costs, and actively titrating dose according to response:
——ACE-inhibitors and A2RBs may offer some advantages over other agents in some situations (see Kidney damage, Cardiovascular risk protection), but are less effective in people of African extraction
——start with β-adrenergic blockers in people with angina, β-adrenergic blockers or ACE-inhibitors in people with previous myocardial infarction, ACEinhibitors or diuretics in those with heart failure
——care should be taken with combined thiazide and β-adrenergic blockers because of risk of deterioration in metabolic control.


1、Measurement and targets will be as for Standard care.

2、Initiate a trial of lifestyle modifi cation (as Standard care) with appropriate education (see Lifestyle management).

3、Initiate medication for lowering blood pressure in diabetes not complicated by proteinuria, using generic diuretics, β-adrenergic blockers, calcium channel blockers, or ACE-inhibitors as available, increasing the number of preparations used according to drug availability locally.
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