
2006-10-22 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:mengxiaosha 译
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    布里斯托大学的研究者Shahad Taheri 认为象电视、电脑、手机以及其它一些小玩意应该从孩子们的卧室当中清理出去,这样才能保证他们有好的睡眠。

    Taheri 在发表在《儿童期病例记录》杂志的文章提出有越来越多的证据表明如果儿童睡眠时间减少,结果会引起很多代谢变化从而导致肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、糖尿病以及心脏病等。

    去年发表的一项在英国全国范围内进行的研究表明,30个月的幼儿如果得不到充足的睡眠,当他们七岁时就会变成胖墩。由此可以证实睡眠减少会影响到体内调节食欲与能量消耗的机制发生改变。  睡眠不足对于十几岁的少年来说也是个问题,在青春期快速发育阶段需要更充足的睡眠。



Obesity may be linked to shorter sleeping times
18 Oct 2006 23:01:08 GMT
Source: Reuters

LONDON, Oct 19 (Reuters) - A trend for children and adolescents to stay up later and sleep less may be linked to rising levels of obesity, according to a review of existing research published on Thursday.

Bristol University researcher Shahad Taheri said televisions, computers, mobile phones and other gadgets should be banned from children's bedrooms to enable them to get a good night's sleep.

Writing in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, Taheri said there was increasing evidence that shortened sleeping times result in metabolic changes that may contribute to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease.

A UK study published last year indicated that insufficient sleep in infants aged 30 months was associated with obesity by the time they reached the age of seven.

Taheri said this suggested that sleep loss at a young age may alter the body's mechanisms that regulate appetite and energy expenditure.

Limited sleep is also a problem for teenagers, whose need for sleep increases during the critical years of adolescent development.

Other research, published by Taheri in 2004, found that adults sleeping only five hours had almost 15 percent higher levels of ghrelin -- a hormone released by the stomach to signal hunger -- than those managing eight hours.

The same group of short sleepers also had more than 15 percent less Leptin, a hormone produced by fat tissue when energy levels are low.

Children waking up tired from not enough sleep were also likely to take less physical exercise, adding to the likelihood of putting on weight, Taheri said.

They would miss the beneficial effects of physical activity, not least its tendency to lead to better sleep.

"Sleep is probably not the only answer to the obesity pandemic," Taheri said.

"But its effect should be taken seriously, as even small changes in energy balance are beneficial."

He said children should observe regular sleeping and waking times, avoid large meals at bedtimes and have a quiet dark bedroom that was neither too hot nor cold.

Adolescents should be allowed to sleep in longer at weekends, but no more than two to three hours beyond normal waking time, as this disrupts the body's internal clock.



编辑: 张靖

