
2007-05-23 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:丁香园集体创作
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Diagnosis of Internal Hernias with CT

Because clinical diagnosis of internal hernias is difficult, imaging studies may play an important role if accurate and reliable CT findings can be obtained. However, CT evaluation of any type of internal hernia is rare in the radiology literature, except for a few reports on paraduodenal and transmesenteric hernias.

The most common internal hernia is strangulating SBO, which occurs after a closed-loop obstruction. CT findings of internal hernias include evidence of SBO. To diagnose the hernial strangulation, many researchers stress the importance of observing the configuration of the obstructed loop, mesenteric changes, and the enhancement patterns of the bowel wall (15–19). In this article, we evaluate two characteristic CT findings: bowel configuration and mesenteric changes. The former consists of a saclike mass or cluster of dilated bowel loops. The latter consists of a mesenteric vascular pedicle that is engorged, stretched, and displaced; in addition, the dilated bowel loops have converging vessels at the entrance of the hernial orifice, thus revealing the impaired venous drainage and continuous influx of the arterial flow (1,3,9,10,15–19).

Locations and Relative Frequencies of Internal Hernias

The occurrence of abdominal internal hernias is rare. They are reported in 0.2%–0.9% of autopsies (2) and in 0.5%–4.1% of cases of intestinal obstruction (3,8,20). The locations and relative frequencies of internal hernias are as follows: paraduodenal, 53%; pericecal, 13%; foramen of Winslow, 8%; transmesenteric and transmesocolic, 8%; pelvic and supravesical, 6%; sigmoid mesocolon, 6%; and transomental, 1%–4% (1–3,20,21).

Foramen of Winslow Hernia


The lesser sac and the greater peritoneal cavity communicate through the epiploic foramen of Winslow. This potential opening is a 3-cm vertical slit situated beneath the upper part of the right border of the lesser sac, cephalad to the duodenal bulb and deep to the liver (Fig 1, A). This foramen is located anterior to the inferior vena cava and posterior to the hepatoduodenal ligament, including the portal vein, common bile duct, and hepatic artery (1–3,22).


Foramen of Winslow hernias make up 8% of all internal hernias (1–3). The intestinal segment most commonly involved is the small intestine (60%–70%). The terminal ileum, cecum, and ascending colon are involved at a rate of about 25%–30% (1,2). Hernias involving the transverse colon, omentum, and gallbladder are rare, although some have been reported in the literature. Predisposing factors include an enlarged foramen of Winslow and excessively mobile intestinal loops due to a long mesentery or persistence of the ascending mesocolon and an ascending colon that is not fused to the parietal peritoneum (1–4,23–26).

Characteristic plain radiographic findings are gas-containing intestinal loops high in the abdomen and medial and posterior to the stomach associated with SBO (Fig 3). The cecum and ascending colon may be absent from their usual locations if they are part of the herniated viscera. Barium-enhanced radiography of the small intestine shows dilatation of bowel loops and usually reveals the obstruction at the right upper abdomen. Narrowing or obstruction at the hepatic flexure may be visualized with barium enema examination if the hernia involves the cecum and ascending colon (23). The following are the characteristic CT appearances: (a) presence of mesentery between the inferior vena cava and main portal vein, (b) an air-fluid collection in the lesser sac with a beak directed toward the foramen of Winslow, (c) absence of the ascending colon in the right gutter, and (d) two or more bowel loops in the high subhepatic spaces (1–3,24–26).

Figure 3. Foramen of Winslow hernia in a 45-year-old man with acute epigastric pain of 18 hours duration. (a) Abdominal radiograph shows gas-containing small bowel loops (arrows) in the center of the upper abdomen between the liver and the gastric air bubble. (b) Image obtained with enteroclysis performed through a long intestinal tube shows an SBO at the right hepatic flexure (arrow). (c) Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the upper abdomen shows the cluster of dilated small bowel loops (arrowheads) in the lesser sac. There are stretched and converging mesenteric vessels (arrow) between the portal vein in the hepatoduodenal ligament (H) and the inferior vena cava (I). (d) CT scan obtained at the level of the pancreatic head shows crowded mesenteric vessels from the superior mesenteric vein (arrow) between the ascending portion of the duodenum (D) and the pancreatic head (P). Arrowheads = small bowel loops. At laparotomy performed 31 hours after CT, adhesion between the gastrocolic ligament and the transverse mesocolon was found. Approximately 50 cm of ileum, located 200 cm from the ligament of Treitz, was herniated into the lesser sac. The herniated ileal loops demonstrated only congestive changes without gangrene.
图3. 一个45岁男性网膜孔疝,上腹痛持续18小时:(a)腹部X线片显示中上腹肝与胃泡之间的含气性小肠肠襻(箭头)。(b)通过长的导管灌肠造影法显示肝曲小肠梗阻(箭头)。(c)上腹部CT增强扫描显示网膜囊内扩张的簇状肠襻。下腔静脉(I)和肝十二指肠韧带内的门静脉(H)之间见拉长和会聚的肠系膜血管(箭头)。(d)胰头水平CT扫描显示簇状的肠系膜上静脉(箭头)位于十二指肠(D)升部和胰头(P)之间。三角形箭头示小肠肠襻。剖腹手术31小时后CT扫描,胃结肠韧带和横结肠系膜见粘连。手术证实距十二指肠悬韧带200厘米处,大约50厘米长的回肠疝入网膜囊,肠管仅见充血改变而无坏疽。

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编辑: bluelove

