图2 示意图(上面观)显示女性患者盆腔腹内疝、隐窝和陷凹的部位。H,膀胱上疝;I,阔韧带疝;1,膀胱子宫陷凹;2,子宫直肠陷凹;3,直肠旁窝。

In this article, we describe our clinical experience with internal hernias, the imaging technique, and diagnosis with computed tomography (CT), including the CT findings and their clinical relevance as well as the important role of multi–detector row CT. We then discuss the locations and relative frequencies of internal hernias, which include foramen of Winslow, paraduodenal, transmesenteric, transomental, pericecal, sigmoid mesocolon, and supravesical and pelvic hernias.
In the sections on internal hernias, we describe the anatomic locations and embryologic features of potential hernial orifices (foramina, fossae, recesses, defects of the mesentery and visceral peritoneum) and the clinical, surgical, and radiologic findings, including the characteristic CT appearances. We also present CT images, some surgical results, and some intraoperative photographs. Finally, we briefly describe the management of internal hernias.
From November 1995 to February 2004, a retrospective review of medical records and radiologic images revealed 13 patients (eight male, five female) with surgically proved internal hernias at our institution and branch hospitals. Their age ranged from 12 to 86 years (mean age, 56.1 years) with more than half of the patients over age 50 years. All patients except one with clinical and radiologic findings suggestive of acute intestinal obstruction underwent single detector row CT of the abdomen and pelvis at the time of admission. One patient underwent CT 4 days after conservative treatment. Four patients with low-grade obstruction underwent enteroclysis, which is particularly helpful in depicting and grading the severity of partial obstruction and demonstrating sites of incomplete obstruction.
CT examinations were performed with the following imaging units: ProSeed SA (GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, Wis) (n = 7); Hi-speed DXI (GE Healthcare Technologies) (n = 1); TCT-700S (Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan) (n = 1); TCT-60A (Toshiba) (n = 2); and SCT-7000 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) (n = 2).
CT检查设备包括: ProSeed SA (GE Healthcare Technologies, Waukesha, Wis) (n = 7); Hi-speed DXI (GE Healthcare Technologies) (n = 1); TCT-700S (Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan) (n = 1); TCT-60A (Toshiba) (n = 2); and SCT-7000 (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) (n = 2).
The duration of symptoms before hospital admission ranged from as little as 3 hours to as long as 3 months. The interval between CT examination at the time of admission and surgery ranged from 2 hours to 20 days. Six patients underwent emergency operations within 7 hours of CT examination. Four patients were treated conservatively with insertion of a nasogastric tube or a long intestinal tube to drain the intestinal fluid, but these patients underwent operations within 12–42 hours of CT examination because of aggravated symptoms. The remaining three patients underwent operations within 4–20 days after CT examinations because at first they were making good progress with conservative treatment by means of nasogastric or long intestinal tube decompression, but their symptoms became aggravated little by little.
During laparotomy in each patient, reduction of the hernia contents, resection of necrotic bowel loops, and primary anastomosis (enterostomy in one case) were performed. Gangrenous changes in the incarcerated bowel loops were present in seven patients, and six patients had viable bowel loops. Eleven patients had no history of abdominal surgery or trauma. Only two patients had a history of appendectomy.
Nonspecific abdominal symptoms of intestinal obstruction were observed in all 13 patients. These included some degree of epigastric pain, abdominal pain, tenderness, abnormal bowel sounds, nausea, vomiting, and palpation of a mass.
Gastrointestinal studies enhanced with intraluminal contrast material (barium-enhanced studies, enteroclysis) and abdominal CT enable accurate diagnosis of any type of internal hernia (9,10). In mechanical high-grade SBO, small bowel follow-through study has a limitation in emergency use. Enteroclysis can be performed more quickly and has been shown to have high accuracy in the evaluation of SBO, but is contraindicated in patients with high-grade closed-loop obstruction and in those with suspected hernial strangulation (11). Recently, CT has demonstrated the importance of preoperative diagnosis of early or partial obstruction and closed-loop obstruction.
In our CT examination, intravenous administration of contrast material is essential to determine the cause of obstruction and identify any associated hernial strangulation. All patients except one underwent CT performed with 100 mL of contrast material administered intravenously at a rate of 1–2 mL/sec. The delay between the start of injection and imaging varied between 70 and 90 seconds. All images were acquired with 7–10-mm collimation and a pitch of 1.2–1.5. One patient underwent nonenhanced CT because she was allergic to the contrast material; CT images clearly demonstrated the presence of strangulating bowel loops as diffuse mesenteric fluid and haziness.
Because of the difficulty of preoperative CT diagnosis, multi–detector row CT may play an important role. Currently, multi–detector row technology provides substantial improvements in the quality of two- and three-dimensional reformatted images, which have evolved in addition to the axial images. Many images obtained with multi–detector row CT are interpreted at workstations by manually paging up and down or reformatting by means of high-quality three-dimensional reformation techniques, such as multiplanar reformation (MPR), shaded surface display (SSD), volume rendering (VR), and maximum intensity projection (MIP).
Multi–detector row CT with three-dimensional reformatting at a workstation provides important advantages over conventional imaging methods in evaluation of the small intestine and surrounding structures (mesentery, mesenteric vasculature, and peritoneal cavity). Multi–detector row CT can play a more active role in identification of the site, level, and cause of SBO, including internal hernias (12,13).
Oral administration of contrast material and water is not necessary in view of the patients’ severe condition because intraluminal fluid collected within an SBO segment already serves as a natural contrast agent, demonstrating the bowel wall clearly (12,13). On the other hand, multi–detector row CT coupled with administration of water and oral contrast material allows the diagnosis of SBO. Some investigators advocate use of CT enteroclysis, which provides a flexible method of viewing SBO (14).