[每周一问]No.6之周中问-Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)

2005-09-17 00:00 来源:麻醉疼痛专业讨论版 作者:西门吹血
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[每周一问]No.6之周中问-Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)

Today, we'll focus on non-anesthetic risk factors associated with PONV.
1.  What are some of patient risk factors associated with PONV?
2.  Why is a history of motion sickness or a previous history of PONV among the most potent risk factors?
3.  Are patients who smoke at increased risk of PONV?
4.  What are some surgical factors that are associated with an increase in PONV?
1.  与PONV相关的患者危险因素有哪些?
2.  为什么有晕动症史或以前有PONV病史者是最常见的危险因素?
3.  吸烟是否会增加PONV的发生?
4.  与增加PONV发生相关的外科因素有哪些?

[每周一问]No.6之周中问-Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)之参考答案



象其他自主反应一样,有暗示作用的呕吐反射弧的存在,并且可能变得比较活跃[5]。因此,PONV与以前有PONV史或晕动病之间的关系可能代表了一种已存在的反应(“learned” response)。

3. 吸烟是否会增加PONV的发生?

Ovum retrieval

[每周一问]No.6之周中问-Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)之参考答案[英语]
What are some of patient risk factors associated with PONV?
A number of patient factors have been associated with PONV, including (1):
•  Female gender, including phase of menstrual cycle and early pregnancy
•  History of motion sickness
•  Previous PONV
•  Extreme anxiety
•  Fasting noncompliance
•  Coexisting diseases, including morbid obesity, increased intracranial pressure, gastrointestinal dysfunction of disease processes
•  Pain
The effect of sex hormone fluctuations during the menstrual cycle on PONV is difficult to decipher, in part because the literature is conflicting and presents a very broad range of days associated with these symptoms. Bettie et al. (2), in a retrospective study of women undergoing laparoscopy, noted a 51.6% versus a 21.6% incidence of PONV in days 1-8 versus days 9-28 of the cycle, respectively. A follow up, prospective study by the same investigators (3) in women undergoing laparoscopic tubal ligation had similar results, noting a 71.4% versus a 46.2% incidence of PONV on days 1-8 versus days 9-28 of their cycles. However, when the actual peak of emetic sequelae was evaluated, days 4-24 were found to be problematic in 92.3% of patients. By contrast, Honkavaara et al. (4) in a retrospective fashion, noted that the highest incidence of PONV occurred during days 20-24. Further prospective work, which should include measurement of serum levels of hormones, will need to be conducted to rigorously evaluate this question.

Why is a history of motion sickness or a previous history of PONV among the most potent risk factors?
Like other types of autonomic responses, there is a suggestion that a reflex arc for vomiting exists and may become well-developed (5). As such, the relationship between PONV and prior histories of PONV or motion sickness may represent a “learned” response.

Are patients who smoke at increased risk of PONV?
It appears exactly the opposite is true. Although the possible benefits to smoking are vanishingly rare, Chimbira et al. Devil in 327 consecutive patients undergoing arthroscopic day case knee surgery with a standardized general anesthetic and postoperative analgesic technique, were queried prior to discharge regarding PONV. A total of 42 (13%) complained of PONV. Of the smokers and nonsmokers, 6% and 15%, respectively complained of PONV (p < 0.05). The authors postulated that enzyme induction may be the most likely reason for this apparent antiemetic effect of tobacco smoking.

What are some surgical factors that are associated with an increase in PONV?
A number of specific procedures have been associated with PONV including (1):
•  Breast augmentation/reduction
•  Ear surgery
•  Eye surgery (especially strabismus and retinal detachment surgery)
•  Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
•  Laparoscopy
•  Ovum retrieval
•  Orchiopexy
•  Tonsillectomy
In addition, and perhaps to no surprise, patients undergoing longer, and more painful procedures have been noted to have a higher rate of PONV (7). In part this may be because pain, as well as analgesics utilized to treat it, can both by themselves produce PONV.

Question Author: Lawrence Tsen, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
1.  Kaller SK, Everett LL. Nausea and vomiting: etiology, prophylaxis, and therapy. In: McGoldrick KE, ed. Anesthesiology: A problem-oriented approach, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1995;619-32.
2.  Bettie WS, Lindblad T, Buckley DN, et al. The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in women undergoing laparoscopy is influenced by the day of the menstrual cycle. Can J Anaesth 1991;38:298-302.
3.  Bettie WS, Lindblad T, Buckely DN, et al. Menstruation increases the risk of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy. Anesthesiology 1993;78:272-6.
4.  Honkavaara P, Lehtinen AM, Hovorka J, et al. Nausea and vomiting after gynecological laparoscopy depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Can J Anaesth 1991;38:876-9.
5.  Palazzo MGA, Strunin L. Anaesthesia and emesis: I. Etiology. Can Anaesth Soc J 1984;31:178-87.
6.  Chimbira W, Sweeney BP. The effect of smoking on postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anaesthesia 2000;55:540-4.
7.  Sinclair D, Chung F, Mezei G. Relation of postoperative nausea and vomiting to the surgical population (abstract). Can J Anaesth 1998;45:A25.
Site Editor: Stephen B. Corn, M.D. and B. Scott Segal, M.D.
Department of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School

编辑: Zhu

