随着已婚人士试图将生孩子的时间压缩在比较靠后的较窄的生育时间窗内,生育问题迅速凸现出来。目前,每六对夫妇中就有一对将面临不育的问题。但是最新的全国生育调查显示,30至39岁的人们中间,88%的男性和57%的女性都相信自己不存在不育这个问题。 “不幸的是,他们这种认识极度不切实际。”澳大利亚生育协会的Anne Clark博士如是说,“而且大多数人即使知道生育能力会随着年龄增长而下降,但他们仍然不清楚当他们想要怀孕时这个事实究竟意味着什么。”
有生育问题指已婚育龄夫妇未采用任何避孕措施,在一年内从未有过妊娠。 而就在这些人们中,还有20%的女性和36%的男性仍然吸烟。Clark博士提醒,这些吸烟的女性发生流产和输卵管妊娠的几率远远大于不吸烟的女性。 “吸烟对于男性生育能力的影响主要是导致精子头内染色体断裂。” Clark博士谈到,“如果年龄增长和吸烟这两个因素同时存在,那么对于生育而言后果是相当严重的。但很显然人们并不知道这一点”。
受不孕不育问题困惑的人们理应向医生寻求帮助,但调查却显示有56%的不孕不育夫妇从未就此问题咨询医生。“看起来研究得到的所有结果都很荒唐,” Clark博士说到,“我们总是认为人们在此领域所知不多,但我们现在可以负责地讲,人们很不幸地对于如何保护和控制其生育力一无所知”。
Couples 'unrealistic' about fertility
By Tamara McLean
October 13, 2006 02:07pm
Article from: AAP
COUPLES are unrealistic about their chances of getting pregnant and have few clues on how to protect their fertility, a national survey has found.
Problems with conception are fast rising as couples try to pack child-bearing into an ever smaller fertility window later in life.
As a result, one in six pairs will have an infertility problem.
But the new National Fertility Study found 88 per cent of men and 57 per cent of women aged 30 to 39 believed they would have no problems conceiving.
"Unfortunately this is very, very unrealistic," said Dr Anne Clark from the Fertility Society of Australia. "So many people know their fertility declines with age but they still don't have any real idea of what it means for them when they actually want to get pregnant."
The survey of 2400 people is the first to gauge opinions on fertility across all ages and both genders to get a broad picture of conception behaviours and beliefs.
To be released in full later this month, the study has been previewed by a group of federal politicians interested in promoting a national fertility policy.
Beyond the effects of age, those interviewed also didn't appear to understand the impact lifestyle factors had on pregnancy.
Of the couples having fertility difficulties – no conception after one year of unprotected sex – 20 per cent of women and 36 per cent of men were still smoking.
Dr Clark said these women have a far greater chance of miscarriage and pregnancies in the fallopian tube.
"And in the men, it basically causes breakages of the chromosomes inside the sperm head which is not good," Dr Clark said.
"If you combine that with increasing age, it becomes a very serious problem but clearly people don't know this."
One in four women trying to conceive were consuming more than the recommended three alcoholic drinks a week or one cup of coffee a day.
Both, says Dr Clark, increase risk of miscarriage and other complications.
On top of this, one in three women and even more men who are trying to conceive are overweight or obese, another risk factor.
Seeking help for their fertility problem should be the answer but the survey found 56 per cent of these couples had never consulted a doctor for advice.
"Considering all the information that's available that seems quite crazy," she said.
"We've always suspected people didn't know much in this area but now we can say with considerable authority they really are unfortunately ignorant about how to preserve and control their fertility."