1. Please introduce the history background and the developing of Medcongress.
● The organizers of MedCongress, CME dept of CMA & Elsevier supported by Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions developed the conference after an intensive research program that focused on the educational needs of Doctors. The finds suggested Doctors wanted to attend a conference that satisfied their educational needs and provided a professional environment.
● The conference market in China is fragmented with many different conferences to choose from in the Endocrinology/Diabetes area.
● MedCongress brings together an ideal mix of organizations that can provide a highly education and professionally run conference. The CMA, leading medical association, Elsevier, world leading medical publisher and content provider and Reed Sinopharm Exhibition (part of Reed Exhibitions), worlds leading exhibition and conference organizer.
● 在国药励展展览有限公司的支持下,MedCongress主办方——中华医学会(CMA)继续教育部和爱思唯尔(Elsevier)在开展了大量的医生教育需求调查之后,开创了该会议。该调查发现医生们愿意参加那些既可以满足他们教育需求,又能够提供专业学术氛围的会议。
● 在内分泌/糖尿病领域,中国的会议市场被许多不同的会议所划分。
● MedCongress 带来的是高质量教育的组织者与专业会议组织者的完美结合。中华医学会是知名的医学组织;Elsevier是世界著名的医学出版集团和医学内容提供者;国药励展展览有限公司(励展博览集团的成员公司)则是世界领先的会议会展组织者。
2. What's the purpose and expectation of organizing/founding MedCongress?
● MedCongress goal is to be the preferred medical conference for doctors each year and be a leader in providing the latest clinical medical information to doctors. July is a good time for a conference as the American Diabetes Association (ADA) annual conference is held in June each year which means through our cooperation with the ADA we can present the latest development at MedCongress.
● Our focus in on developing an educational program that meets the needs of doctors and presented by leading medical professional.
2. 能否请您介绍一下MEDCONGRESS会议创立的目的及期望?
● MedCongress的目标是成为医生每年首选的医学会议,成为为医生提供最新临床医学资讯的先导。美国糖尿病协会(ADA)年会在每年6月份举行,因此在中国7月份是举办会议的最佳时机。通过与ADA合作,我们能够在MedCongress上呈献该领域的最新进展。
● 我们着力于设计出一套由业内知名专家、学科带头人呈献给广大医生的会议教程。
3. Please talk about the special feature of Medcongress.
● It is important to cooperate with leading medical association like the CMA and its medical branches to help provide relevance to the conference topics.
● Even though MedCongress cooperates with leading medical associations, including CMA, MedCongress is still an independent conference organizer providing high level clinical information from around the world to Chinese doctors.
● As an independent organizer it is often easier for the leading experts to present or attend MedCongress as there is not the complication of association politics which restricts some experts. This means that MedCongress can invite really top level experts.
● We hope that MedCongress becomes the preferred medical conference for doctors to attend each year.
3. 请您谈谈MEDCONGRESS会议的特色是什么?
● 与重要的学会组织(如中华医学会)和各专科分会合作对于会议议题具有非常重要的意义。
● 尽管MedCongress与包括中华医学会在内的学会组织合作,但MedCongress仍是一个独立的会议组织者,为中国医生提供全世界范围内的高质量临床资讯。
● MedCongress作为一个独立的会议组织者,更容易邀请到知名专家参会或演讲,不会因为“学会政治”原因而限制某些专家的出席。这意味着MedCongress可以邀请真正的顶极专家。
● 我们希望MedCongress成为医生每年都愿意参加的医学会议。
4. Please give a brief review to MedCongress 2006.
● The feedback from doctors, speakers and medical associations from 2006 was positive which has helped MedCongress to develop the program and conference for this year.
● With nearly 700 doctors attending 2006 MedCongress demonstrates that the program, speakers and atmosphere are what doctors want.
● The program in 2006 focused more on Diabetes and featured some great presentations. This helped to provide a good atmosphere for doctors to interact with the presenters and each other.
4. 请您对2006年MEDCONGRESS会议做一个简单回顾。
● 2006年,参会医生、发言专家和医学会都对MedCongress给与了积极的反馈意见,促成了今年的MedCongress学术论坛。
● 近700名医生出席了2006年MedCongress,这说明会议议题、演讲者和氛围符合医生的需求。
● 2006年的会议更关注糖尿病,特色之一是众多知名专家观点的精彩阐述。为参会医生之间、医生与发言专家之间开展交流互动营造了良好的氛围。
5. What's your expectations to MedCongress 2007?
● This year's conference is exciting for us as MedCongress will feature many leading experts and be the first conference in China to present topics from the ADA annual conference. Our cooperation with the ADA has meant that we will have William Clarke, Stephen Clement & Clive Cockram present topics direct from the ADA, along with 2 other international experts. It's also exciting that will be also having Zeng Zhengpei, Yang Wenying, Jia Weiping, Liu Zhimin, Gao Xin presenting.
● We are expecting the program will attract more doctors to this year's event which will assist to make MedCongress a truly leading Endocrinology & Diabetes conference in China.
5. 请问您对2007年MEDCONGRESS会议有何期望?
● 今年的会议非常令人兴奋,因为将有许多知名专家出席MedCongress,而且这也是国内第一次引入ADA年会议题的会议。届时,将有William Clarke, Stephen Clement ,Clive Cockram和另外两名国际专家呈献ADA议题。我们还有幸邀请到曾正陪、杨文英、贾伟平、刘志民和高鑫等专家出席本次会议。
● 我们希望能吸引更多的医生参加今年的会议,使MedCongress成为中国一流的内分泌和糖尿病会议。
6. What's your reason for choosing DXY as conference cooperative partner?
● DXY is a leading website and information portal for doctors which make it a good partner to cooperate with.
● DXY members seem to be a progress group looking to increase and spread knowledge amongst the medical community which fits with the type of doctors that would benefit greatly from attending MedCongress.
● The high level of professionalism and it's role of providing quality information to doctors means that we feel comfortable working with DXY as we shares many of the same goals.
6. 请问您选择丁香园作为会议合作伙伴的理由是什么?
● 丁香园是中国医生的首选网站和信息门户,因而是一个非常好的合作伙伴。
● 丁香园会员是医生中渴望获取知识的积极进步的群体,而参加MedCongress 会使他们受益匪浅。
● 为医生提供高水平的专业知识和有价值的资讯是MedCongress和丁香园的共同目标,这意味着与丁香园的合作将是非常愉快的。
7. As a British, what's your experience or any interesting/funny stories when organizing Medical Conferences in China?
● My role within MedCongress is to support the professional team that we have and to help bring international conference best practices to the events. It helps with the coordination between a Chinese organizer and the international medical association to ensure quality of topics and speakers.
● I have been very impressed with the doctors I have met in China and their want and need to keep up-to-date with the latest information. As the medical system changes it will become even more important for doctors to be informed.
● As a foreigner I find it difficult to communicate in Chinese, partly because of my poor Chinese, especially in the medical field. I remember a meeting with a leading doctor to discuss topics and other issues. I had tried to learn some Chinese medical words to help the conversation so not to rely so much on my medical director for translation. I greeted the doctor in Chinese and the meeting began in Chinese. 10 minutes into the meeting I was introducing MedCongress in my best broken Chinese with the doctor nodding approval. I asked a question about his thoughts and leaning to the side expecting to have the answer translated, the doctors replied, I have to admit, in perfect English with "Which part of the north of England are you from, I studied in Leeds for a while?" It took me a few seconds to realize that no translation was needed for that question. In fact Leeds is my home town. The world may seem large but the medical world can be very small!
7. 请您谈谈您作为英国人,您在中国举办医学会展中的体会或经验(趣闻或花絮)?
● 我在MedCongress中的作用就是帮助我们的专业团队,并且把最好的国际会议主办经验引入我们的项目。国内主办者与国际医学组织之间的协调配合,确保了演讲者和议题的质量。
● 我对中国医生以及他们对最新知识的渴求印象深刻。随着医学领域的发展,扩展医生的知识面将变得更加重要。
● 作为一名外国人,用中文进行交流对我来说有些困难,部分原因是我的汉语说得不好,特别是在医学方面。记得曾经有一次约见一位医学专家磋商议题和一些其他事务。在这之前我已经掌握了一些汉语的医学词汇,以避免过分依赖我的医学总监。我用汉语向医生致意,会议就这样以汉语开始。在这之后的10分钟里,我竭力用蹩脚的汉语向不时点头赞许的医生介绍MedCongress,并问了一个关于他想法的问题,然后身体一侧,等着翻译他的答案。这时,这位医生用非常熟练的英语说道,“Which part of the north of England are you from? I studied in Leeds for a while.”我愣了几秒钟才意识到,根本没必要翻译那个问题。事实上,利兹就是我的老家。这个世界看起来很大,但在医学世界里又是那么小!
2007年 MedCongress内分泌•糖尿病学术论坛讯息请参看下面的信息:
MedCongress组委会将在7月1日随机抽取20名在线注册的丁香园站友,他们将享有本届MedCongress的免费注册权!只需要您完整填写报名注册表,并选出您最感兴趣的论坛议题,您就将有机会成为这 20名幸运者中的一员!名额有限。