以下是丁香园通讯员对MedCongress负责人Simon Gillson的现场采访:
Q1:How many doctors have attended this conference? And what do they think of this conference?
A1:We have over 1,600 doctors registered for this year’s congress which makes MedCongress one of the largest diabetes and endocrinology conference in China.
In general, speaking to some doctor’s onsite the feedback is very positive. Some of the highlights are the ADA international speakers and many of local speakers.
I am exciting to hear that they(doctors) think that the quality of the programme is very good, they really like the excellent international speakers and topics.
And they like it also because the presentation from local case, such as “Diagnosis of the endocrine hypertension”, “Pathophysiology of hyperglycaemia and other common metabolic traits” and so on.
I found they are pleased!
Q2: What do you think about this year's congress compared with the last one?
A2: It is different from last one. Last year we were just looking for doctors around Shanghai area. From the positive feedback from last year, this year’s event we marketed to all doctors in China, A large number of doctors registered in this year's conference and we have doctors from Harbin, Chengdu and Xinjiang. Also going forward, we will organize more national events, increase the quality of speakers and attract more doctors from the whole country.
Q3: Would you please tell us your adventure compared any similary conference such as Annual Endocrinology or Diabetes Congress organized by the CMA.
A3: I will go to join the conference organized by CMA in Wuhan this October and I think they will also be successful. But the difference is that we are an independent organizer so it allows speakers and doctors to come together and discuss topics freely. I have spoken with some speakers yesterday and they pointed out sometimes if can be difficult to give presentation at conference as there might be a conflict of interest between organizers. So they felt more comfortable speaking at MedCongress. All speakers I have spoken to have enjoyed their time at this year's and would like to come and speak again at next years’ MedCongress.
Q4: What's your prospect/plan for the next year's conference?
A4: For next year's MedCongress, we are pleased to be continuing our cooperation with the international and local medical associations. We hope to be able to attract more doctors to the conference and improve on this year great event.
Once we have evaluated the delegate survey results and suggestions from the doctors we can build that into the program. Some of the speakers would like to see some presentations on East and West perspectives on some key areas in endocrinology and diabetes. So we will try to fit that style of presentation into next year’s event.
It has taken some times to build the profile of MedCongress, but one thing we want to explore is to widen the topic areas of the conference. So even though our topics cover diabetes and endocrinology we are also interested in specialist areas, maybe Chinese traditional medicine. This will make the program more attractive to a wider audience of doctors.
The structure of our conference allows us to give doctors more choice to meet their educational needs....
Our aim always at MedCongress to provide the highest quality of education to doctors.
As long as we continue to do that, MedCongress will go from strength to strength.
Q5: What do you think of contributor of DXY to this year's conference.
A5: DXY has been an important partner in structuring our conference and I like working with the DXY team. As you know, we keep looking for partners that are leading organizations in associated fields. Now, DXY is a leading online contact provider for lots of doctors in China. The quality of BBS, portals and doctors accessing the material matches the attendees of MedCongress. As our conference is a strong academy organization, we want to make more contact with doctors through these kinds of platforms. So as part of our marketing, DXY plays an important role in developing MedCongress.
在展会上,丁香园访问了ELSEVIER – 爱思唯尔大中华及韩国区医学部e-Marketing Director李兆基先生。
李兆基:我们拥有众多专科上顶尖的杂志,比如说《柳叶刀》、《Chest》、《JAAD》、《JADA》、《AJS》、《AJM》以及其他糖尿病和肿瘤方面顶尖杂志。医学书籍方面更是丰富无比,比如说Cecil Textbook of Medicine - 希氏内科学、Braunwald's Heart Disease – Braunwald’s 心脏病学、Sabiston Textbook of Surgery - 克氏外科学、Williams Textbook of Endocrinology - 威廉姆斯内分泌学等等。
李兆基:是的,我们也查不到他们的全文,所以拥有的杂志和书籍的权威性都是我们的优势。现在在国内大部份重点都只放在海量文献平台,但对大部份工作繁忙的专业临床医生来说,最理想的是拥有一个更精要,更全面,更相关和更权威的医学资询平台,包括相关科室期刊、新闻、书籍、临床杂志、诊疗指南、药物信息、医学图片等等, 可以帮助他们在专业学术发展和日常工作使用。
丁香园:今天ELSEVIER是否正在推介一个叫MD Consult的医学资询平台?它可以帮助使用者在尽可能短的时间内得到自己需要的尽可能全面、及时、准确的信息吗?
李兆基:是的,在国外有调查指出MD Consult能帮助医生每周节省约2.3小时,在2007年更被第三方网站评为其中一个医生不可缺少的工具,我想这些数据能说明一切。