
2009-12-09 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:
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From RCT to clinical practice-Relevance of observational studies

Dr. Robert Ligthelm
Medical Director, EHM-Hoofddorp
Rotterdam, The Netherlands


In the past there has been an unprecedented development in clinical research methods to address the needs of diverse clinical specialties and practices. As such, trial designs and statistical methodology have become sophisticated. One design that has proven to be imperative to evaluating the efficacy and tolerability of a new drug is the randomised clinical trial (RCT). The RCT study design, like any, can bring drawbacks and challenges, leaving gaps in the evidence-base that observational studies are ideally suited to fill. Ongoing improvements in study methods and advances in statistical analysis have brought observational studies to the forefront of research design thereby remaining as an important source of evidence. Today Dr Ligthelm will provide an overview of the relevance of observational studies in clinical research and how trials with NovoMix® 30 show comparable results versus those conducted as RCT.

Robert Ligthelm教授:从RCT到临床实践



 查看分页PPT http://meeting.dxy.cn/2009asia_summit/article/i9916.html

编辑: 袁小燕

